All you have to know about offers in ads - 2

If you haven’t already, check out part 1 before reading any further.

This part is all about your offer. It is no secret that you have to put together a compelling offer to make someone buy from you.

But how do you do that?

Let’s say you are a plumber. What’s the first thing that pops up in your mind?

I’ll hang up a sign that says “I’m Mario (Super Mario) the plumber, if you have plumbing problems, call me” That’s weak. That way you will be just one plumber out of all the other 500 Marios.

So you want something that you can stand out with. Something that others can’t do, something unique. It doesn’t even have to be that unique but it has to sound like it’s REAALLYY unique.

If you saw my website you can see that I did the same thing that I’m telling you right now. I said that I guarantee you will get more clients or I will give your money back. This is unique. No one else does this because they are afraid of guaranteeing anything.

If you are confident in what you are trying to sell actually works, it’s very easy to guarantee. And once you can guarantee, you will immediately have something unique.

You can basically come up with anything, but you need a message… You can guarantee that your plumbing will last for 16 generations or you can say that it will be done in 1 second. Almost anything passes that is believable and unique.

One thing is an exception though. And that is “I’m the cheapest”. PLEASE don’t do that. There will always be a loser out there who does the job cheaper than you.

You will have to work more, with annoying people who will sit with you and watch you do the job. They will annoy you out of the world. And that’s because you tell the customers that “Hey, I’m asking for just this little amount of money because I’m doing a really shitty job. Buy my stuff please”. That way you will attract customers but the wrong type.

So If you want to make sure that your offer is compelling, offer anything unique but a low price.

Afterward, check out my free guide on the most important principles of marketing.

Rétvölgyi Barnabás

The owner of Lutham Media


All you have to know about offers - 3


All you have to know about offers in ads - 1