Digital marketing vs traditional marketing

In it’s core, marketing is marketing. But we still differentiate them. Why?

We call everything "digital marketing" that happens online(whether that be Facebook ads, SEO, email marketing, etc…)

And why would you go online to market?

If you advertise online - in contrast to traditional advertising - you can reach a waaay broader audience, cheaper.

Not only that, you can even choose whether you want to get customers that are 40yrs+ men who love to play tennis with their dogs or you want to work with 20-40 year old women who love cats.

So your options are endless.

In comparison, however, just imagine a billboard ad or even a TV ad. You pay x amount and you don’t even know how well your ad did or who saw it. You only know how much you’ve spent.

With online ads, you know everything about your customers from age to even how far did they went with the buying process.

You know when you get emails saying: “Hey, you left something in your cart. Don’t forget to buy it quickly, time is running out“

In marketing there’s a concept called 8 touch points (some people call it 7 or 12 or 11 but it’s all the same). This only means is that the more someone sees your store, the more likely they will buy. The number (8 or 12 or whatever) just indicates how many times a customer has to see you to make the purchase. I won’t go much further in detail about why this is the way it is, just trust me on this.

So with television advertising if you wanted to be effective you had to advertise at the same time every day to reach the same people and to get that 8 touch points.

With digital marketing it’s totally different.

If someone clicks your link on a Facebook ad, you can re-target those people with different ads.

And unlike TV advertisement you can be a 100% sure that the only people who will see your ad again will be those who clicked the link and showed interest. That way you reduce the amount spent on marketing drastically.

And if someone gives you their email address you can then send them emails for FREE.

If you want to learn more about how you can make sure your Meta (Facebook) ads are perfect, check out my Free guide below.

Rétvölgyi Barnabás

The owner of Lutham Media


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