What do you write into an ad?

You have to tell arguments about why your product is the best and why the others are bad. That‘s simple logic.

But whatever claim you intend to use to gain attention, the advertisement should tell a reasonably complete story. Most people miss this part so read along carefully.

Once you get a person‘s attention, then is the time to accomplish all you can ever hope with him. Bring all your good arguments. Cover every phase of your subject. One fact appeals to some, one to another. Omit one, and you lose a percentage of people instantly.

In one reading of an ad, one either decides for or against a proposition. So don‘t spare your arguments to make ads that connect with each other. Bring everything you got.

Afterwards, present everything in a simple and easy to understand manner. Once you can do that, you will catch every one of your readers and convert them into paying customers.

But if you don’t want to waste time on learning all of this, check out our free marketing analysis.

Rétvölgyi Barnabás

The owner of Lutham Media


Complete guide on how to write an ad