I’ve made already an article on this point here: … , this is an extension of it.
So we learn that cheapness is not a strong appeal. But actually, sometimes it’s beneficial to compete on price.
Let me tell you why.
If you offer products for a higher price, psychologically your product will be seen as something of quality. They will think that your product is better. Purely based on price.
And the reversal of this principle also works. If you offer your product for a lower fee, your product will be seen as something of lesser quality.
In the British National Gallery is a painting which is announced in a catalog to have cost $750,000. Most people at first pass it by at a glance. Then later they get farther on in the catalog and learn what the painting cost. They return then and surround it.
In conclusion, if you want your product to be perceived as something of quality, just raise your price a little.
However, if you don‘t just want your product/service to look good at first glance, but you want to sell as much of your products as well, then read my free guide on exactly that.