The only useful form of marketing is…

Direct marketing.

But what’s that?

It’s a form of marketing in which you advertise to get a clear response from the customer.

If you do that, all sorts of possibilities arise.

For example, if you advertise on Facebook you can attract customers to your website where they either buy or not. Then you can see whether they bought or not. Facebook tells you how many people clicked your link and then you can see how many people bought from your shop after that. That way, you will know exactly how well your ad did.

If lots of people click on your ad and buy afterwards and you spend just a little on ads, you can know that your ad is doing well.

That’s why most advertising agencies (not including ours) don’t want to do direct response marketing… it would be too apparent that they cannot bring results. That’s why they will say: “Brand awareness campaign are truly amazing”.

They will tell you they did a pretty good job and now lots of people know about your store. But where are the customers then? - you may ask them. “Oh they will come, don’t worry. They always come”.

Don’t let them scam you. The only form of marketing that works is direct response marketing…

If you want to learn the 6 most important principles of direct marketing, check out my free guide here.

Rétvölgyi Barnabás

The owner of Lutham Media


What direct marketing teaches us


Your most efficient salesman isss…